
Looking to buy or sell a used car?Take a look at AutoCity101.It's a Free Used Car Classifieds website and is quickly generating the interest of dealerships, private party listers and those on the market for a vehicle. This site is sophisticated and provides a solid infrastructure, similar to the competitors that charge users for the service of selling a vehicle. The website was launched early January 2007 and already has had over 50,000 unique visitors generated from both Canada and the United States, users range from buyers wanting to place car listings for free, car dealerships wanting to list entire inventories for free to people thinking of buying vehicles. This site is 100% free and has full administration tools for managing ads and place as many cars as clients want with pictures, links to client websites, phone number, email and other contact information required to sell a vehicle fast. At the owners' discretion, the car listings may stay on the site until they are sold.

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