London Jobs

If you are looking for jobs in London you should visit Gumtree. The website was founded in 2000 as a community site to bring people together across London, whether they were looking for a flatshare, job, a similar lonely heart or just had a computer to sell. Today, it is now London's largest flat share and job site and Gumtree's success has been such that it has sites for other cities in the UK. With 1.1 million visitors a month, it has to be one of the dotcom success stories.Gumtree’s greatest strength is that it’s packed with ads in lots of categories, so you won’t be digging around in empty pages. It’s also easy to navigate, thanks to clean, tidy links and prominent buttons for posting ads and subscribing to email alerts.
If you’re not in London, scroll down and click on the city closest to you. You’re presented with a similar homepage of links in categories such as Stuff for Sale and Jobs. The Community category is equally useful. It’s full of people arranging to meet up at gigs, swapping skills and appealing for Sunday footballers to join their team. To browse the ads, click a link or use the search box, and click a heading to read the ad. Posting is just as easy. You don’t have to register - just click Post, pick a category and scribble away. You get a reference number and a password for managing your ad.
With the great layout and navigation, users are able to get to the detail they need in no more than 3 clicks. This information accessibility is one of the reasons why this site is as popular as it is. As users become comfortable reading through the site, they are encouraged to post additional travel information.So,if you are looking for London jobs jsy take a look at Gumtree.

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