The LAP-BAND System

If you’ve struggled with your weight and no amount of dieting and exercise has worked, the Tampa lap band surgery from JourneyLite may be for you. The LAP-BAND System is the safest, proven weight-loss surgery available today and it is the only weight-loss surgery that is completely reversible and adjustable – for life.
JourneyLite offers a comprehensive weight-loss surgery program that will guide you through every step of your journey, from evaluating whether the LAP-BAND System is right for you, to finding an experienced surgeon, to insurance approval, and extensive follow-up and aftercare that is specifically tailored with your success in mind. From support groups, message boards, member forums, recipes, tips for success, nutrition education, to learning to love the new you, they’ve got it covered because our goal is to support a healthier, happier you – for life.
Their program is unique because the entire program is carefully structured to support you through every step of your LAP-BAND System surgery and beyond. From your surgeon, nurses, and operating room staff to your dietitian and JourneyLite SupportSM staff,they are all committed to helping your journey be one of success. Their facilities are specially designed and equipped to meet the specific needs of the seriously overweight patient. Addlso, their highly competent staff is specially trained in caring for all the physical and emotional needs of the seriously overweight patient.
Take the first step to better health and an improved quality of life and let today be the first day on the journey to your normal-weight life.

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